Animated plots
In Particle handling, we explained how to plot particles and their trajectories. However, when dealing with time series data, it can be useful to save the temporal evolution as a GIF animation. Below, we provide several examples of how to do this.
Animated ParticlePlot
using ParticleHolography
using Plots
using Glob
files = glob("savejson_lpf4_priter6_th24/*.json")[1:50]
colors = cgrad(:viridis)[LinRange(0, 1, length(files))]
anim = @animate for (idx, file) in enumerate(files)
data = dictload(file)
particleplot!(data, legend = false, scaling=(10.0, 10.0, -100.0), shift=(0.0, 0.0, 1e5), color=colors[idx], xlabel="x [µm]", ylabel="z [µm]", zlabel="y [µm]", xlim=(0,10240), ylim=(0,1e5), zlim=(0,10240), dpi=300)
gif(anim, "particles.gif", fps = 10)
Animated TrajectoryPlot
Creating animations using TrajectoryPlot may take a very long time. This issue will be addressed in future updates.
using ParticleHolography
using Plots
using Glob
files = glob("savejson_lpf4_priter6_th24/*.json")[1:50]
dicts = ParticleHolography.dictload.(files)
graphs = [Labonte(dict1, dict2) for (dict1, dict2) in zip(dicts[1:end-1], dicts[2:end])]
paths = ParticleHolography.enum_edge(graphs[1])
for graph in graphs[2:end]
append_path!(paths, graph)
fulldict = gen_fulldict(files)
anim = @animate for idx in 1:50
trajectoryplot!(paths, fulldict, framerange = (1, idx),legend = false, scaling=(10.0, 10.0, -100.0), shift=(0.0, 0.0, 1e5), xlabel="x [µm]", ylabel="z [µm]", zlabel="y [µm]", xlim=(0,10240), ylim=(0,1e5), zlim=(0,10240), dpi=300)
gif(anim, "trajectories.gif", fps = 10)