Phase retrieval holography
Please refer to Phase retrieval holography for the principles of this method. Below, we show the necessary procedures and an implementation example for reconstructing using this method.
Bundle adjustment
We perform bundle adjustment [10] to correct for rotational and aberrational misalignments between the two camera views in the $xy$plane. First, for a pair of images with densely distributed features throughout the field of view, such as a glass plate with printed random dots, we create a vector map of displacement amounts (right figure below) by calculating the cross-correlation coefficients between neighboring batches between the two images, similar to Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) [11]. This map represents the displacement of img2
relative to the reference image img1
. By determining the image transformation coefficients $\bm{a}$ that make this map nearly zero throughout, alignment is achieved.
\[\begin{aligned} x' &= a_1 + a_2 x + a_3 y + a_4 x^2 + a_5 xy + a_6 y^2 \\ y' &= a_7 + a_8 x + a_9 y + a_{10} x^2 + a_{11} xy + a_{12} y^2 \end{aligned}\]
Prepare a set of benchmark images, such as a glass plate with printed random dots. The following are Gabor reconstruction images of random dot holograms.

Camera 1 image

Camera 2 image
We perform bundle adjustment on these images. If verbose=true
is specified, the images before and after the bundle adjustment transformation and the displacement map are saved. If not specified (default is verbose=false), only the transformation coefficients are returned.
using ParticleHolography
# Load images
img1 = load_gray2float("./test/impcam1_enhanced.png")
img2 = load_gray2float("./test/impcam2_enhanced.png")
# Bundle adjustment
coeffs = get_distortion_coefficients(img1, img2, verbose=true)
12-element Vector{Float64}:
Before bundle adjustment
After bundle adjustment
Using the coefficient array obtained in this way, we correct the distortion of the captured images.
img2_corrected = quadratic_distortion_correction(img2, coeffs)
using ParticleHolography
using CUDA
using Images
# Load hologram
img1 = load_gray2float("./test/holo1.png")
img2 = load_gray2float("./test/holo2.png")
# Parameters
λ = 0.6328 # Wavelength [μm]
Δx = 10.0 # Pixel size [μm]
z0 = 80000.0 # Optical distance between the hologram and the front surface of the reconstruction volume [μm]
Δz = 100.0 # Optical distance between the reconstructed slices [μm]
datlen = 1024 # Data length
slices = 1000 # Number of slices
# Parameters for phase retrieval holography
prz = 80000.0 # Distance between the two holograms [μm]
priter = 20 # Number of iterations of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm
# Prepare the transfer functions
d_sqr = cu_transfer_sqrt_arr(datlen, λ, Δx)
d_tf = cu_transfer(-z0, datlen, λ, d_sqr)
d_slice = cu_transfer(-Δz, datlen, λ, d_sqr)
d_pr = cu_transfer(prz, datlen, λ, d_sqr)
d_pr_inv = cu_transfer(-prz, datlen, λ, d_sqr)
# Image correction
img2_corrected = quadratic_distortion_correction(img2, coeffs)
# Retrieve phase information
d_holo = cu_phase_retrieval_holo(cu(img1), cu(img2_corrected), d_pr, d_pr_inv, priter, datlen)
# Reconstruction
d_xyproj = cu_get_reconst_xyprojection(d_holo, d_tf, d_slice, slices)
# Save the result
save("xyprojection_pr.png", Array(d_xyproj)) # Copy the d_xyproj to host memory with Array()

Input hologram image

Output xy projection image
- [10]
- 岡谷貴之. バンドルアジャストメント. 研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア (CVIM) 2009–37, 1–16 (2009).
- [11]
- C. E. Willert and M. Gharib. Digital particle image velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids 10–4, 181–193 (1991).